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Work of Leaders

Enhancing Your 8 Dimensions of Leadership

Effective Leadership

To be an effective leader you need to know your strengths—but that’s only part of the story. You also need a broad perspective on all the behaviors needed to be an effective leader.

You’ll start by taking a quick on-line leadership assessment, prior to the session. Then at the session you’ll receive your own personalized leadership map and a complimentary copy of “The 8 Dimensions of Leadership” book. Through various activities, you’ll discover the strengths of your current style and gain insight into how you can leverage your own strengths and enhance some of your more challenging dimensions. Specifically you will:


  • Learn about your leadership style
  • Identify your leadership priorities
  • Explore the identified strengths of your style
  • Learn lessons from those that have distinctly different styles
  • Be introduced to the Work of Leaders Process

Work of Leaders: Reporting

Once complete, you and your team can receive reporting which will help to enhance, solidify and improve the overall performance of your leadership group.

These reports include the five reports you see here. These will assist you in better managing your team, and help you to better communicate with them!


This will assist leaders at all levels, focusing on tanglble steps directed at leading a group or organization toward desired outcomes.

See the Sample Report

Group Report

This information will help leaders to understand which best practices come most and least naturally to the group; their greatest strengths and challenges, as well as concrete steps toward action.

See the Sample Report
Facilitator Report

See the team, as a whole and what comes easy to them.

See the Sample Report
Comparison Report

Compare an associate to another and how to most effectively manage.

See the Sample Report
Team View

See your entire team and their style at a glance.

See the Sample Report

I learned very practical techniques for getting the most from my employees. I’ve already seen tangible results from what I learned. A+++.


Last evening’s meeting was very productive. Especially so because the points or homework were very clear cut. We left knowing what we need to do and the goals are very clear. It is this type of work that makes coaching so wonderful for us. We talk, decide, commit, and execute!

Eric Livengood

Livengood, Devore & Company

Thank you for leading us in a wonderful team building retreat based on the DiSC instrument. The team learned a lot and all believe the exercise will improve how we interact and work together. You were a terrific facilitator and did so in a reassuring yet straightforward way so that we could all benefit from the conversation.

Kathleen M. Murphy

Maryland Bankers Association